Cyber attackers often view educational institutions as easy targets. Resources are strained and there are many users vulnerable to social engineering. Educating an employee about a phishing attack isn’t the same as telling a teenage student not to trust an unknown sender. Strong network security is essential. This is especially important as document digitization and remote schooling increase exposure to online crime.
AccessEnforcer from Calyptix protects networks for educational institutions from cybersecurity risks. Stop hackers, block malicious sites, and control who can access the network with Calyptix’s all-in-one solution to keep your students and institution safe.
AccessEnforcer secures the entire network. This easy-to-use all-in-one solution gives students, faculty, and staff a safe connection anytime, with unlimited VPN connections. Daily security updates based on our Community Shield and expert threat insights provide hands-free blocking of the latest tactics for hacking, malware, and spam, so your network stays secure.